Episode 17: Focus on Liver NETs

The liver is very often the first and most significant site of neuroendocrine tumor metastasis and for many people, managing the disease in the liver is the most challenging part of their NET journey. In this episode of NETWise, we’re going to focus on an organ that is almost never a NET primary site, but nevertheless is crucially important to many people with NETs: the liver.
First, you’ll learn that the liver is a unique organ with a resiliency that is remarkable. Why is the liver such a frequent site for NET metastases? Hear about the various treatments for liver neuroendocrine tumors and the risks and benefits of each of them.
Cindy Lovelace and Katherine Mueller share their experiences, the treatments they have had for their liver NETs, and their advice for other patients.
NET experts featured in this episode:
Use our episode infographics to get a visual picture of some of the things we have discussed.
Special thanks to Cindy Lovelace and Katherine Mueller for sharing their stories. This episode is dedicated to Katherine’s memory. We thank her family for their support of her inclusion in this podcast.
Mentioned in this Episode:
2021 KNOW YOUR NETS: Keeping your Liver Healthy
2020 KNOW YOUR NETS: How Much Can Liver Take – Treating with IR
2020 KNOW YOUR NETS: NETs Surgery: Risks and Benefits for Metastatic Tumors
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